Tag Archives: bullying at school

Respect Assemblies at York Region School by Popular Guest Speaker

Michaelle Jean PS Richmond Hill SignMichaelle Jean Public School Vice-Principal, Heather Levitt was impressed by the ‘stellar’ performance of Presenter, Bruce Langford at the ‘Stand Up For Respect’ assembly which was a kick-off to the school’s character education program earlier today. Music, videos and role-play were all used to leave a lasting impression with the students.
Michaelle Jean student actors were extremely energetic and passionate during their performances for the school during the assemblies.

Michaelle Jean Public School Richmond Hill OntarioThe students offered this tip as a way to keep respect in the school:

“Teachers should always try to make school fun! That will make students want to be respectful when they are at school. The teachers at our school almost always make learning fun!”
Above Comments by a Grade Three Student Actor

“The Stand Up For Respect performance by Bruce Langford was absolutely stellar! The assembly involved the kids in a fun, realistic way and thoroughly covered the topic of respect.”
Heather Levitt, Vice-Principal, Michaelle Jean Public School, York Region District School Board

Stand Up Now Productions presents assemblies at schools across Ontario.



Toronto School Assemblies to Stop Bullying Dead in its Tracks

 Soaring to the peak at Whitehorn
As adults, we are responsible for our children and youth. We must show by example how to stop bullying. We must refuse to allow bullying to rear its ugly head. It is necessary for us to understand exactly what bullying is, before we can snuff out its existence. Children also must understand what bullying is and the strategies they can use to stop it. These strategies are taught as part of ‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ assemblies by Stand Up Now Productions.
Cyber-bullying has become a major problem in our society. Parents must show strength and courage in an attempt to lead children down the right path. A teacher recently commented: “The Stand Up Against Bullying assemblies need to be mandatory in every school, every year. Kids get the concepts through these programs; they just need to be reminded on a regular basis.” 
Bruce Langford and Stand Up Now Productions recently visited Whitehorn Public School in Mississauga for the second time. Their  head-on way to improve their school climate is impressive.  Whitehorn Principal, Mrs. Margaret Patterson knows exactly how to get everyone on board to help stop bullying in its tracks. At her school, students and staff use the slogan ‘Soar To The Peak’ to motivate.

Peak Acronym at Whitehorn Public SchoolThe word peak stands for:
Participation / Effort / Achievement / Kindness
We can all learn from this concentrated effort. Let’s ‘Soar To The Peak’ to reduce bullying!
www.standupnow.ca 1-800-901-8831

Stop Bullying Behaviours by Using 3 Powerful Dragon Qualities

Norwich PS SignNorwich School Students Use Dragon Qualities to Stop Bullying situations. We visited Norwich Public School, home of the dragons on Friday. Dragons

Norwich PS Dragon

Famous Norwich Public School Dragon

are believed to be strong, sensitive and brave. These are the very attributes needed by a person who will ‘Stand Up Against Bullying’. Bystanders stand by Norwich Public School Building Ontariowhile mean things are said or done. A ‘stand-upper ‘ will use the dragon qualities of strength, sensitivity and bravery to ‘stand up against bullying’. Children should never be expected to deal with these issues alone though. Adults need to be right there to encourage children whenever necessary.  Teachers, administrators, support staff and children can all work together to stand up against bullying and make sure no one suffers because of bullying.

Encourage and model respect and as a result bullying will automatically begin to disappear . You will experience respect at Norwich Public School (Thames Valley District School Board) where we presented ‘Stand Up For Respect’ assemblies. Students from Otterville Public School and North Norwich Public School joined together with the Norwich Public School students to learn ways to show respect. Role-plays, videos and songs all helped children understand how to grow respect.
Be like the dragon; use your strength, sensitivity and bravery to stand up against bullying;
be a ‘stand-upper’ and Stand Up For Respect!

Bruce Langford of ‘Stand Up Now’ Productions will visit your school to present bullying prevention programs. Contact him at 1-800-901-8831 or visit the website at www.standupnow.ca

Bully Free at MCB

A Gym Wall Message at Mount Carmel-Blytheswood School

What is MCB? It is Mount Carmel-Blytheswood Public School in Leamington in the Greater Essex County District School Board.
‘Awesome’ was the word to describe the reception we experienced at Mount Carmel-Blytheswood yesterday. The ‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ theme song was playing through the halls. The children could hardly wait for the assemblies to start. Principal, Mr. Kris Marentette was pleased with the student assemblies and parent night and said he would pass that on to others in GECDSB.
The students and staff shared positive comments about the student assemblies and the parent night presentation which included songs, a student skit, information, prizes and interaction with the children. Click on the video to hear a story that Bruce Langford shared with parents and children at the ‘Stand Up – Keep Your Kids’ parent night.
Arrange to have ‘Stand Up Now’ Assemblies at your school with Presenter, Bruce Langford. Visit us at: www.standupnow.ca

Primary Assemblies About Bullying Prevention in Toronto, Ontario

Bullying at Percy Williams Junior Public School

Bullying Prevention at Percy Williams Junior Public School

What does tattling have to do with bullying?

At first glance they seem like totally separate issues. When we take a closer look, we realize that the two behaviors are closely linked.

Tattling is common with many children as the behavior is often a means of exercising power, an attention seeking mechanism or a self-esteem issue. From my experience, tattling behavior tends to slow down by ages 8-10. By the time children reach 12-14, some students will do almost anything to avoid being labeled a snitch.
Whether the tattling is attributed to power, self-esteem issues, or attention-seeking, children need to understand that when someone is in danger, reporting to a responsible adult is an absolute must. Sometimes bullying behaviours are overlooked because children choose not to report.

In ‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ assemblies, we simplify the concept with practical examples so even young children can understand:
Tattling: Trying to get someone into trouble.
Telling: Trying to get someone out of trouble.

During today’s Bullying Prevention Presentation at Percy Williams Junior Public School in Scarborough (Toronto), we taught this concept with a song called “Telling or Tattling”. Following the assembly, grade two teacher, Elena Cherem commented:
“Bruce Langford’s ‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ assembly was excellent for my children! My students started using examples about tattling right away after the assembly. It helped them have a clearer understanding of do’s and don’t about bullying.”
Teacher, Jacqueline King was also impressed with the ‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ programs and will be a reference for Bruce Langford and Stand Up Now Productions.
Contact Bruce at www.bruce-langford.com to arrange student or parent school bullying-prevention presentations. Bruce Langford is a professional bullying prevention speaker and presenter located in Ontario, Canada.

Elementary School Bullying Prevention Programs and Video Game Addiction

Video Games and Bullying

An addicted teen gamer?

‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ school assemblies teach relational skills and many aspects of bullying prevention.

A recent study has been released to QMI Agency which could help explain why many teenage boys are not achieving high grades at school. The study found that boys who spend the most time playing video games are also among the same group who spend the least amount of time reading. The study found that in the group of teenagers between 12 and 19 years of age, one in 10 spends more than 10 hours per week playing video games.

The following questions assume that the video game player is playing at least ten hours a week. What do you think?

Can playing video games cause video game addiction?
Can playing video games affect relational skills?
Can playing video games cause people to bully others?
Can playing video games cause people to become a victim of bullying?
Can playing video games cause people to become better readers?

Let us know your thoughts by clicking on ‘leave a comment’.

As parents we need to encourage our children to live balanced lives by spending time on a wide variety of activities. And remember, we need to teach children how to Stand Up Against Bullying! For more information on elementary school bullying prevention programs by Bruce Langford and his team, learn how to stand up against bullying and book a school anti-bullying show at www.standupagainstbullying.com or contact the Stand Up Against Bullying Guy at 1-800-901-8831.

People Who Change Can Change the World

You can change! You can become a person who can make a difference and change the world!
Benny DL, (Bruce Langford), shared this message in ‘Stand Up For Respect Shows’ at Mount Royal Public School in Brampton yesterday, (Peel District School Board).
In the grade 4-8 assemblies BennyDL sang a song called ‘The Circle’ which is about a boy who never thought he would be the person to make a difference. In the song an incident happens and the boy changes his attitude and starts helping others. He decides to no longer be a bystander. He becomes the person who really does make a difference.
You can change. You can become the person to make a difference. Realize that you can make up your mind to change and you could end up changing the world!
Bruce Langford will come to your school to present musical assemblies with Stand Up Now Productions. Contact him at bruce @standupnow.ca or 1-800-901-8831. See the Stand Up Now Website www.standupnow.ca

Was Justin Bieber Ever Bullied?

There is a lot of talk about whether Justin Bieber was bullied in elementary school when he lived in Stratford. If he was bullied, what do you think he would have done?
Here are some possible answers:

Hopefully he would have told someone he trusted.
Talking it over can really help.
Hopefully he would have tried to ignore the person or people if possible.
If Justin Bieber really was bullied, he might have just spoken up and asked them to stop doing it.
I have a feeling he had enough self-esteem to do something about it if bullying happened.
I think he was probably confident enough to just spend time with people who were nice to him.
What do you think Justin Bieber would have done if he had been bullied? Click “Leave a comment” to give us your answer.

DJ Benny DL

We teach kids and adults about bullying. We’ll come to your school. Check out our website at http://standupagainstbullying.com Singer and DJ Benny DL will sing and perform for everybody.

Parent Reaching Out (PRO) Grant to get Bullying Speaker Bruce Langford

Paul Clark

Paul Clark, Parent Council Rep at Sts. Peter and Paul School

I (Bruce Langford) have just presented an hour-long keynote talk including videos, songs and student role-plays at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School in Mississauga. The topic was bullying, cyber-bullying and parenting. Parent Council member Paul Clark commented that “Bruce Langford’s parent program was really good. It was interactive, it had music and a lot of parents found it very helpful.”
We received many positive comments about the role-plays, the songs and the tips and ideas about bullying and parenting. The program is called ‘Stand Up – Keep Your Kids’. When we visit a school during the day, we encourage children to bring their parents back in the evening for some different videos, songs and role-plays. This really helps to get lots of people out in the evening.

One of the messages in tonight’s talk was about being a good listener. As adults we need to remember to listen to our children, and as children, we need to be good listeners to our friends, our teachers and parents.

To book Bruce Langford as a guest speaker at your school, call Stand Up Now at 1-800-901-8831 or e-mail bruce@standupnow.ca

How Many Children Report Bullying?

Bullying is a real problem in our society and studies have been done to prove this fact. One study (Wendy Craig & Y. Harel, 2004) revealed that about 12% of girls and 18% of boys reported bullying others at least twice in previous months, while 15% of girls and 18% of boys reported being victimized at least twice over the same period. As parents, teachers and members of society in general, we can help improve these numbers by being good listeners whenever children need to share a concern. This is a starting point to help our children deal with these issues.
For more information visit www.standupagainstbullying.com or call Bruce Langford to book anti-bullying programs and assemblies for your Ontario school at 1-800-901-8831 Stand Up Now Bullying Prevention