Principal Endorsed Anti-Bullying School Assemblies

“Absolutely loved your powerful message and your many strategies.”
Kathleen Manderville, Principal Quinte Mohawk School, Belleville ON


“I was impressed with how each presentation was tailored to the needs and interest level of each division.”

Kimberly Moses (Teacher) Trillium Woods PS, Richmond Hill, Ontario

“Amazing Assemblies! The scenarios were very realistic to a school environment!”
Trish Hammond (VP) Stonehaven Public School, Newmarket Ontario

“You captured our grade 7,8 audience. The role plays were excellent. Thank you!”
Gina Christakis (VP) Kent Sr School, Toronto Ontario

Topics Below

Mindfulness-Small-WebsiteNEW! Increase focus, calmness and happiness in the classroom.Stand Up Against Bullying ShowAbout the bystander & your spirit of community.
Read Our Brochure…
Stand Up For Respect ShowFeatures virtues of honesty, kindness, sharing & more…

Cyberbullying ShowWeb safety, internet success strategies & technology tips.

Parent Program

60 minute parent/child session on bullying & cyber-bullying.

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Keynote Talks

Bruce Langford is an award-winning speaker who delivers keynote addresses and interactive presentations on the topics of bullying, respect & cyber-bullying.

Cracking the Success Code

Bruce Langford is a best-selling author of ‘Cracking the Success Code’, a book co-written by Brian Tracy and a group of twenty other successful entrepreneurs. Bruce discusses bullying prevention strategies and details specific ways to counter bullying and cyber-bullying. Business Guru, Brian Tracy, who has written and created over 300 audio and video learning programs. (Read more…