Category Archives: anti-bullying

Elementary School Bullying Prevention Programs and Video Game Addiction

Video Games and Bullying

An addicted teen gamer?

‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ school assemblies teach relational skills and many aspects of bullying prevention.

A recent study has been released to QMI Agency which could help explain why many teenage boys are not achieving high grades at school. The study found that boys who spend the most time playing video games are also among the same group who spend the least amount of time reading. The study found that in the group of teenagers between 12 and 19 years of age, one in 10 spends more than 10 hours per week playing video games.

The following questions assume that the video game player is playing at least ten hours a week. What do you think?

Can playing video games cause video game addiction?
Can playing video games affect relational skills?
Can playing video games cause people to bully others?
Can playing video games cause people to become a victim of bullying?
Can playing video games cause people to become better readers?

Let us know your thoughts by clicking on ‘leave a comment’.

As parents we need to encourage our children to live balanced lives by spending time on a wide variety of activities. And remember, we need to teach children how to Stand Up Against Bullying! For more information on elementary school bullying prevention programs by Bruce Langford and his team, learn how to stand up against bullying and book a school anti-bullying show at or contact the Stand Up Against Bullying Guy at 1-800-901-8831.

Cooperation Could Have Saved Phoebe Prince

The bullying tip for the day is about Cooperation.  Try to use cooperation! It is very important to know that cooperation will help reduce bullying.  
Try to cooperate with others.
Try to use words which will encourage people to cooperate.
Try to get along with others so they will want to cooperate with you.

I think you will find that once people see you trying to cooperate, they will try too. When more people start trying to get along, then bullying will start to disappear.

I believe that with more cooperation from those who knew her, Phoebe Prince could have been saved some of the pain she went through.

I believe that together, we can help eliminate bullying!

We talked about cooperation at Churchill Meadows Public School in Mississauga (Peel District School Board). Click on the video to learn more about bullying presentations and bullying prevention in Mississauga and Toronto area Schools.

To book Benny DL for school programs or for a keynote talk, e-mail Stand Up Now Productions or call 1-800-901-8831 Visit our website at

Was Justin Bieber Ever Bullied?

There is a lot of talk about whether Justin Bieber was bullied in elementary school when he lived in Stratford. If he was bullied, what do you think he would have done?
Here are some possible answers:

Hopefully he would have told someone he trusted.
Talking it over can really help.
Hopefully he would have tried to ignore the person or people if possible.
If Justin Bieber really was bullied, he might have just spoken up and asked them to stop doing it.
I have a feeling he had enough self-esteem to do something about it if bullying happened.
I think he was probably confident enough to just spend time with people who were nice to him.
What do you think Justin Bieber would have done if he had been bullied? Click “Leave a comment” to give us your answer.

DJ Benny DL

We teach kids and adults about bullying. We’ll come to your school. Check out our website at Singer and DJ Benny DL will sing and perform for everybody.

Parent Reaching Out (PRO) Grant to get Bullying Speaker Bruce Langford

Paul Clark

Paul Clark, Parent Council Rep at Sts. Peter and Paul School

I (Bruce Langford) have just presented an hour-long keynote talk including videos, songs and student role-plays at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School in Mississauga. The topic was bullying, cyber-bullying and parenting. Parent Council member Paul Clark commented that “Bruce Langford’s parent program was really good. It was interactive, it had music and a lot of parents found it very helpful.”
We received many positive comments about the role-plays, the songs and the tips and ideas about bullying and parenting. The program is called ‘Stand Up – Keep Your Kids’. When we visit a school during the day, we encourage children to bring their parents back in the evening for some different videos, songs and role-plays. This really helps to get lots of people out in the evening.

One of the messages in tonight’s talk was about being a good listener. As adults we need to remember to listen to our children, and as children, we need to be good listeners to our friends, our teachers and parents.

To book Bruce Langford as a guest speaker at your school, call Stand Up Now at 1-800-901-8831 or e-mail

Bullying Guy (Benny DL) Sings ‘Makin A Friend’

Benny DL (Bruce Langford) sings Makin' A Friend

Hi again,
Here’s a bullying tip for you… Make friends. Just remember that your friends can help you, especially if you are being bullied. And remember to help your friends if they are having a rough time.
I wrote this song because it is SO important to make friends. Here are the words:

Here’s some advice about makin’ a friend,
This is what other kids recommend,
Find a person with interests like you.
Be yourself and always be true.
Like I said be honest and be sincere,
Integrity is good any time of the year,
Try to tell the truth at home and at school,
You’ll earn respect, respect is cool!
(I’ll share the rest of the song another time)

Just remember, stand up against bullying. Book Bruce Langford as a speaker about bullying for your event or contact him at 1-800-901-8831 or

Bullying Tips on a Multi-Cultural Theme

Benny DL visits Williamsburg Public School

Bruce Langford at Williamsburg School in Kitchener Ontario

Encourage your child to be open to all cultures and ethnicity. If we, as adults model this behaviour, our children will come by it honestly. Read stories set in many different locations around the world. Make a point of learning about cultures you are not familiar with. Take part in cultural festivals with your family whenever possible. The examples you set will serve your children for a lifetime.
Williamsburg Public School in Kitchener Ontario sets these examples using Tribes teaching as a tool for teachers and children. I (Bruce Langford) visited Williamsburg School yesterday to present our ‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ and ‘Stand Up – Keep Your Kids’ programs. We welcomed over 200 people in the evening talk about bullying and cyber-bullying tips. Principal Fran Oppertshauser encouraged us by agreeing to be a reference for our school assemblies. 

Arrange for excellent anti-bullying school assemblies by Stand Up Now Productions with presenter Bruce Langford. Phone Stand Up Now at 1-800-901-8831 or e-mail at  Website:

Bullying Tip From The Stand Up Against Bullying Guy

Sometimes parents can have a tough time finding out what really happened in a child bullying situation. Take a few minutes to have your child act out what happened. Ask about the details and say to your child; “I’m going to pretend I’m you and you pretend you are the one doing the mean thing.” You can also have another child play the part of one of the participants. 
Another method is to act out what happened with action figures or dolls. You may be surprised how much information you can piece together by having your child do some acting!

For government approved school anti-bullying programs, contact Bruce Langford at 1-800-901-8831 or e-mail Stand Up Now Productions at

Fantastic Arts Assemblies in Toronto Region by Stand Up Now!

Coppard Glen School

Bruce Langford’s Stand Up Now assemblies came to Coppard Glen Public School in the Toronto Region (Markham) today. The anti-bullying assemblies were:
‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ for primary children grades 1-3;
‘Stand Up For Respect’ for junior students grades 4-6;
‘Cyber-bullying – Got 2 Go’ for intermediate students grades 7-8.
The students were buzzing about the awesome assemblies by The Stand Up Against Bullying Guy. Afterwards, principal Mary Salvarinas made the following comments:

“That was fantastic! I was very impressed. You (Bruce Langford) totally engaged the students! I loved your format with the grade 7 and 8 students! I would encourage any school to host Stand Up Now Productions bullying prevention programs.
Mary Salvarinas, Principal Coppard Glen Public School, Markham (York Region District School Board)
Book Stand Up Now Assemblies for your school at

Be Your Own Coach to Achieve Self-Respect

Bruce Langford (also known as BennyDL)

Bruce Langford at Beverley Acres School in York Region

Here is a tip about self-respect we shared in the Intermediate Grade 7,8 ‘Stand Up For Respect’ assembly at Beverley Acres Public School in the York Region District School Board yesterday:

Self Respect is remembering that sometimes you have to be your own coach or cheerleader to encourage yourself that everything will be fine. We all go through difficult situations, and we all have to give ourselves a boost of self-encouragement sometimes. Remember that every one of us is valuable and important. No matter what happens, you need to be able to feel good about yourself. That is why it is important to learn to give yourself a boost to achieve self-respect.

We presented ‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ assemblies to the Grade 4-6 students at Beverley Acres as well. After the presentations, Principal Ramon Andrade gave us positive feedback and told us he would recommend our Stand Up Now programs to other schools.
Contact Stand Up Now Bullying Prevention at 1-800-901-8831 or e-mail us at . Visit our website at

How Many Children Report Bullying?

Bullying is a real problem in our society and studies have been done to prove this fact. One study (Wendy Craig & Y. Harel, 2004) revealed that about 12% of girls and 18% of boys reported bullying others at least twice in previous months, while 15% of girls and 18% of boys reported being victimized at least twice over the same period. As parents, teachers and members of society in general, we can help improve these numbers by being good listeners whenever children need to share a concern. This is a starting point to help our children deal with these issues.
For more information visit or call Bruce Langford to book anti-bullying programs and assemblies for your Ontario school at 1-800-901-8831 Stand Up Now Bullying Prevention