Category Archives: School Bullying

Bullying Guy (Benny DL) Sings ‘Makin A Friend’

Benny DL (Bruce Langford) sings Makin' A Friend

Hi again,
Here’s a bullying tip for you… Make friends. Just remember that your friends can help you, especially if you are being bullied. And remember to help your friends if they are having a rough time.
I wrote this song because it is SO important to make friends. Here are the words:

Here’s some advice about makin’ a friend,
This is what other kids recommend,
Find a person with interests like you.
Be yourself and always be true.
Like I said be honest and be sincere,
Integrity is good any time of the year,
Try to tell the truth at home and at school,
You’ll earn respect, respect is cool!
(I’ll share the rest of the song another time)

Just remember, stand up against bullying. Book Bruce Langford as a speaker about bullying for your event or contact him at 1-800-901-8831 or

Fantastic Arts Assemblies in Toronto Region by Stand Up Now!

Coppard Glen School

Bruce Langford’s Stand Up Now assemblies came to Coppard Glen Public School in the Toronto Region (Markham) today. The anti-bullying assemblies were:
‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ for primary children grades 1-3;
‘Stand Up For Respect’ for junior students grades 4-6;
‘Cyber-bullying – Got 2 Go’ for intermediate students grades 7-8.
The students were buzzing about the awesome assemblies by The Stand Up Against Bullying Guy. Afterwards, principal Mary Salvarinas made the following comments:

“That was fantastic! I was very impressed. You (Bruce Langford) totally engaged the students! I loved your format with the grade 7 and 8 students! I would encourage any school to host Stand Up Now Productions bullying prevention programs.
Mary Salvarinas, Principal Coppard Glen Public School, Markham (York Region District School Board)
Book Stand Up Now Assemblies for your school at

Be Your Own Coach to Achieve Self-Respect

Bruce Langford (also known as BennyDL)

Bruce Langford at Beverley Acres School in York Region

Here is a tip about self-respect we shared in the Intermediate Grade 7,8 ‘Stand Up For Respect’ assembly at Beverley Acres Public School in the York Region District School Board yesterday:

Self Respect is remembering that sometimes you have to be your own coach or cheerleader to encourage yourself that everything will be fine. We all go through difficult situations, and we all have to give ourselves a boost of self-encouragement sometimes. Remember that every one of us is valuable and important. No matter what happens, you need to be able to feel good about yourself. That is why it is important to learn to give yourself a boost to achieve self-respect.

We presented ‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ assemblies to the Grade 4-6 students at Beverley Acres as well. After the presentations, Principal Ramon Andrade gave us positive feedback and told us he would recommend our Stand Up Now programs to other schools.
Contact Stand Up Now Bullying Prevention at 1-800-901-8831 or e-mail us at . Visit our website at

How Many Children Report Bullying?

Bullying is a real problem in our society and studies have been done to prove this fact. One study (Wendy Craig & Y. Harel, 2004) revealed that about 12% of girls and 18% of boys reported bullying others at least twice in previous months, while 15% of girls and 18% of boys reported being victimized at least twice over the same period. As parents, teachers and members of society in general, we can help improve these numbers by being good listeners whenever children need to share a concern. This is a starting point to help our children deal with these issues.
For more information visit or call Bruce Langford to book anti-bullying programs and assemblies for your Ontario school at 1-800-901-8831 Stand Up Now Bullying Prevention

Cyberbullying Assemblies at Toronto Catholic School

We have just presented our ‘Cyber-Bullying – Got 2 Go’ assembly and our ‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ assembly at Santa Maria Catholic School (Toronto, Ontario) in the Toronto Catholic District School Board. Principal, Rita Santo was pleased with the presentations and told us she will tell colleagues that she recommends the Stand Up Now assemblies by Bruce Langford.

Watch the video below for some valuable tips about passwords.
To book programs for your school visit us at

Anti-Bullying Programs in York Region School Called Exceptional

Benny DL playing piano

Benny DL playing piano

We presented ‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ assemblies at Sir Wilfrid Laurier Public School in Markham Ontario (York Region District School Board) and received this letter following our visit. (Note: the letter is written to the Principal and Vice Principal).

Les amis de la 2e année

Salle 123

Le 25 mars 2010

 Chères Mme Finn et Mme Palmer,               

                Merci beaucoup d’avoir organisé l’assemblée formidable de taxage.  Le “D.J.” nous a montré d’excellentes stratégies pour arrêter le taxage.  C’était amusant d’entendre et de chanter les chansons rhythmiques!  Avec ce qu’on a appris on a écrit une lettre à une amie qui avait des problèmes de taxage.  On a créé des posters contre le taxage.  On va aussi faire du drame.               

                Merci beaucoup pour ce spectacle exceptionnel!

 Les amis de Mme Shepherd

Here is the English translation:

Grade 2 Friends

Room 123

March 25, 2010

 Dear Ms. Finn and Ms. Palmer,       

                Thank you very much for organizing the great assembly of bullying. The “DJ” has shown excellent strategies to stop bullying. It was fun to hear and sing rhythmic songs! With what we learned we wrote a letter to a friend who had problems with bullying. We created posters against bullying. We will also do drama.

                Thank you for this exceptional show!

 Friends of Ms. Shepherd

Dufferin Peel Catholic School Presentations

Just returned from a great day at St. Agnes School in the Dufferin Peel Catholic School Board in Brampton Ontario. We presented our ‘Cyberbullying – Got 2 Go’ assemblies. Here are two tips:  

1. Don’t give out passwords – even to friends. It can cause problems later, big-time!
2. Also, please don’t give out personal information on-line. Not even about your school or holidays.

Just remember, “Stand Up Against Bullying!”.
Get our assemblies at your school:

Bullying Prevention in Toronto

Yesterday we visited Earl Beatty Public School in Toronto and had a great day presenting three ‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ assemblies. One of the points we focused on was confidence. You need confidence to stand up to bullies or even to talk to someone about what’s going on. Have a look at the video I made in front of the school.

Stand Up Against Bullying Assemblies in Peel, Toronto and York Region Schools

We’ve recently had some of our best feedback after visiting a number of schools in Peel District School Board (PDSB), Toronto District School Board (TDSB), and York Region District School Board (YRDSB). We’ve presented to great student audiences with excellent school spirit and awesome assembly behaviour!  Here are some comments:

“Your Cyberbullying assemblies captured our grade 7,8 audience. The role plays were excellent. Thank you!”
Gina Christakis, Vice-Principal Kent Senior Public School, Toronto District School Board, Toronto Ontario

“Bruce Langford’s Stand Up To Bullying Assemblies were brilliant, absolutely brilliant!”
Maxine Prizzon, Teacher Ridgewood Public School, Peel District School Board, Mississauga Ontario

“The Stand Up Against Bullying assemblies were really, really good! The role-plays really engaged the audience!”
Frank Thomson, (Occasional Teacher) York Region District School Board, Kleinburg Public School & Mt. Albert Public School, Greater Toronto Ontario Area

Arrange assemblies for your school by contacting Bruce Langford’s Stand Up Now Productions, telephone 1-800-901-8831, e-mail website

Don’t Keep It Inside, Tell Someone You Trust!

Why do so many of us clam up when someone says or does something mean to us? That’s how bullying can start. I can tell you, there have been times in the past when I lacked confidence. I would question myself. Did I say something wrong? Did I give a mean impression? Honestly, we all lack confidence at certain times. We all have to build ourselves up sometimes.

One of the best ways to deal with this is by deciding not to keep these thoughts inside. Talk about it with someone you trust. Write down your ideas in a journal. Share with someone you are sure you can depend on, but other than that, keep it private.

This can really help to deal with bullying situations in your own life.