Category Archives: respect in school

Kelso’s Choice conflict management skills program for your school

Kelso's Choice Image BullyingWhen we go into schools to do bullying prevention assemblies, I am always happy to see various programs and methods being used to address bullying and to teach conflict resolution. One of the many programs that is effective with children is called ‘Kelso’s Choice’. It is a conflict management skills program which is for elementary school children up to about ten years old. It can increase confidence, reduce tattling and most importantly reduce bullying. Kelso the frog is the central focus and the Kelso’s Choice Wheel with 9 problem-solvingKelsos Wheel solutions is one of the main learning tools. When confronting a “small” problem, students are encouraged to try two choices from “Kelso’s Wheel.” If the “ small” problem persists, they are told that adult intervention is warranted. Visit the Kelso’s Choice website to learn more at


Cyber-Bullying Got 2 Go Bullying Prevention Assemblies for Schools at



Mississauga Public School has MAGIC formula to beat bullying

Meadowvale Village Public School in Mississauga recently hosted Stand Up Now Productions with speaker Bruce Langford. We focused on bullying with emphasis on Meadowvale MAGIC. What a great way to help focus on important concepts that all kids need to live by. Here is the ‘magic’ formula:

M anners
A chievement
G ood Sportsmanship
I nitiative
C ooperation

Meadowvale Village MAGIC Logo

We shared our ‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ songs and videos with the students who were filled with enthusiasm. Later, one of the teachers came back to comment on the show.
“I loved it! It was great. You kept me and my class totally engaged for the entire time.”
Barb Linton, Grade 2 Teacher, Meadowvale Village Public School, Mississauga.

We talked about initiative and how it related to our role plays where one person takes the initiative to make a difference. The outcome of a scenario can be totally changed by the decision of one person to handle things differently from the crowd.
Meadowvale Village Vice-Principal, Sara Damasco said she was very pleased with the bullying prevention assemblies presented by Stand Up Now Productions.

Contact info is: or 519-269-9837



When is Bullying Prevention Week 2011 in Ontario?

National Bullying Prevention week is November 13-19, 2011. All of November is a great time to focus on anti-bullying and ways to eliminate bullying behaviours in your school. Here are some ideas to raise awareness and help reduce bullying:
1. Encourage your students to write poems, stories or songs about anti-bullying themes. Display this throughout the school.
2. Include a bullying prevention tip on the daily announcements.
3. Have an anti-bullying conference with special guests and activities.
4. Decorate the halls with appropriate messages as part of a poster-making contest.
5. Have a pink or blue shirt ‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ Spirit Day.
Some of your best ideas will come directly from your students. Meet with a group of enthusiastic students who will discuss bullying prevention ideas and brainstorm creative ways to get all the students and staff involved.

Bullying Preventions T-Shirts

I Vow To Stand Up Against Bullying

Stand Up Against Bullying T-Shirts can be ordered by contacting Stand Up Now Productions at Stand Up Now dot ca.

York Catholic School Welcomes Guest Speaker at Respect Assemblies

Holy Bible at PJP II Catholic School

We visited Pope John Paul II Catholic School to present three ‘Stand Up For Respect’ assemblies. We were inspired by the students and staff we met at the school.
A grade 8 student at PJP II shared the following story with us during our visit:
A younger child, who was a student at another school, expressed some frustration he was having with another child. The grade 8 PJP II student offered advice and acted as a positive role model to help the younger student learn how to improve his situation.
This is an excellent example of an older student using his wisdom and compassion to help a young child. Wisdom and compassion are two of the virtues taught at Pope John Paul 2nd School.

We can all work at being positive role models. Set good examples. Share your knowledge and advice. Use compassion and wisdom just as the student at JPJ II did.   

The virtues celebrated at Pope John Paul II Catholic School in Richmond Hill are:

Pope John Paul II School Virtues


The shared vision of the York Catholic DSB is:
‘We are a Catholic Learning Community of collaborative partners, called to serve one another by being committed to and accountable for quality learning by all, with Jesus as our inspiration’

Pope John Paul II Catholic Elementary School, Richmond Hill Ontario

We experienced students and staff who showed they are committed to and accountable for quality learning at Pope John Paul II Catholic School.

For more information about the ‘Stand Up For Respect’ assemblies presented by Bruce Langford, visit or call 1-800-901-8831.

Imagine – a life without bullying

He treats you with respect, all the time.
She lifts your spirits, whenever you see her.
The teacher understands you and offers you some advice.
Your sister smiles at you and reminds you she’s there for you.
Even though he’s way older, your uncle makes you feel important.
Your parents have this trust thing going that makes you want to trust them back.

 The world can be like this, sometimes.
Imagine – a world without bullying. Even for an hour, a day, a week.
We can all make it happen.
Stand Up Against Bullying – in your world!

Space view of earth's bullying issues

Space ~ Earth ~ Bullying ~ What does it mean?

Toronto Middle School Welcomes Cyberbullying Guest Speaker, Bruce Langford at their Annual Safe And Caring Schools Student Conference

Willowdale Middle School BuildingWillowdale Middle School in Toronto featured their Annual Safe and Caring Schools Student Conference today. Bruce Willowdale School Mission Statement, TorontoLangford started the day by presenting a session to grade 6 and 7 students called ‘Cyberbullying – Got 2 Go’. The presentation was Willowdale Middle School Logoabout how to stand up against cyberbullying. The Children’s Peace Theatre presented a hands-on workshop at the same time with grade 8 students. Willowdale Middle School students did a skit about how some kids feel pressured to have lots and lots of ‘friends’ on social network sites like Facebook. The girl in the skit told her friend to ‘just add random people so you don’t look like a loser’. She did decide to add someone she didn’t know, and was taking the risk that it could turn out to be an internet predator. In another skit, the police got involved when someone turned out to be posing as someone else online. Students were tuned in to the role-plays and commented about their effectiveness.

Willowdale Principal, Mrs. Angela Caccamo said: “Bruce Langford’s Cyberbullying – Got 2 Go’ assemblies were excellent. I will spread the word to my colleagues.”

The point was made that every middle school student can do something to make sure that cyberbullying does not exist and grow in a school environment. We can all agree; Cyberbullying’s Got 2 Go! Contact Bruce Langford at 1-800-901-8831 ( for more information.

Stop Bullying Behaviours by Using 3 Powerful Dragon Qualities

Norwich PS SignNorwich School Students Use Dragon Qualities to Stop Bullying situations. We visited Norwich Public School, home of the dragons on Friday. Dragons

Norwich PS Dragon

Famous Norwich Public School Dragon

are believed to be strong, sensitive and brave. These are the very attributes needed by a person who will ‘Stand Up Against Bullying’. Bystanders stand by Norwich Public School Building Ontariowhile mean things are said or done. A ‘stand-upper ‘ will use the dragon qualities of strength, sensitivity and bravery to ‘stand up against bullying’. Children should never be expected to deal with these issues alone though. Adults need to be right there to encourage children whenever necessary.  Teachers, administrators, support staff and children can all work together to stand up against bullying and make sure no one suffers because of bullying.

Encourage and model respect and as a result bullying will automatically begin to disappear . You will experience respect at Norwich Public School (Thames Valley District School Board) where we presented ‘Stand Up For Respect’ assemblies. Students from Otterville Public School and North Norwich Public School joined together with the Norwich Public School students to learn ways to show respect. Role-plays, videos and songs all helped children understand how to grow respect.
Be like the dragon; use your strength, sensitivity and bravery to stand up against bullying;
be a ‘stand-upper’ and Stand Up For Respect!

Bruce Langford of ‘Stand Up Now’ Productions will visit your school to present bullying prevention programs. Contact him at 1-800-901-8831 or visit the website at

Wisdom and Respect Workshop in York Catholic DSB School


St. Matthew's Virtues Tree, Markham

Founded on Faith
Growing with Hope
Rooted in Love
Faith, Hope and Love are key virtues at St. Matthew Catholic School in Unionville (Markham) Ontario.

The 9 St. Matthew’s Virtues:


St. Matthew's Catholic School Hawks

St. Matthew's Hawks Mascot


In the student workshops today, we focused on Wisdom and Respect. These are very important virtues because they can shape you as the person you were meant to be. UseSt. Matthew School, Markham Ontario your wisdom to make the best choices. Use your wisdom to do things without having to be asked. That is how initiative is related to wisdom. Use your wisdom to show respect, help others and make the world a better place. Use your wisdom to grow your faith.

St. Matthew Catholic School, YCDSB

The students here at St. Matthew Catholic School take the virtues of respect and wisdom seriously. They want to use their wisdom to help grow their understanding of respect.

St. Matthew’s School

Mural, St. Matthew School, Unionville

St. Matthew School Mural

 Principal, Mrs. Veronica Robinson said she would recommend the ‘Stand Up For Respect’ workshops to the other Principals in the York Catholic District School Board.
“Bruce Langford inspired and engaged all our students with his presentation skills. Excellent assemblies!”
Mrs. Veronica Robinson (Principal), St. Matthew Catholic School, Markham
(York Catholic District School Board)

Students and staff left a lasting impression with us today at St. Matthew Catholic School in Markham! Remember, ‘Stand Up For Respect’.

‘Stand Up For Respect’ workshops are available for your school. Contact Bruce Langford at Stand Up Now Productions 1-800-901-8831.

Sarnia Area School is determined to reduce bullying with Student Seminar

Sarnia Area School Peaceful School Pledge

Hillcrest Peaceful School Pledge

The Hillcrest Peaceful School pledge is posted in the gym in a huge green peaceful school tree. The students and staff hear it every morning on the announcements.
It reads:
I attend a peaceful school.
It is my responsibility to play safe
and not say or do anything that hurts anyone’s body, feelings or things.
I respect myself.
I respect others.
I respect property.

The students showed that respect yesterday as we presented two anti-bullying seminars to the students. Petrolia School, Hillcrest Public School SignHillcrest teachers gave Stand Up Now Productions top marks in their feedback reports saying they would definitely encourage other Sarnia area schools in the Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) to host our Stand Up Against Bullying seminars. Teacher/Presenter, Bruce Langford was extremely pleased with the student response to the skits, videos and music.

Hillcrest Public School Building

Hillcrest Public School, Petrolia

Students at Hillcrest Public School really do care about being a peaceful school!

Helping Others Develops Strong Character at Summers Corners School in TVDSB

Bruce Langford Bullying Prevention Speaker

Bruce Langford at a TVDSB School

Snow, snow and more snow here at Summers Corners Public School near Aylmer, Ontario.

The snow brings us together. It gets us working together, helping each other. We offer to shovel snow for those who need help. We encourage each other to stay safe on the roads. We become a little closer to each other when we offer help to people.

Summers Corners PS Aylmer Ontario

Summers Corners Public School

Today at Summers Corners Public School in Thames Valley District School Board, our message has been to help each other and encourage each other. Be the one person who will have the strength and the courage to stand up against bullying. Be willing to take action and do something. It does take confidence and strength. It requires strong character. Every person can learn to develop their character and take charge. Summers Corners students are those kind of people. They exhibit respect and consideration and that really came through to us during our visit today.

Sign at Summers Corners School

Summers Corners School Sign

We had some student role-plays featuring Summers Corners students that focused on the bystander and how you can become the person who will do something about a situation. Summers Corners Principal, Mr. Don Naylor welcomed the students in all three assemblies and introduced Bruce Langford as the presenter. He talked about building strong character and Mr. Naylor told the students, ‘don’t be a bystander, be an upstander’.

Remember that quote! And remember to ‘Stand Up Against Bullying’ at your school.

School Assemblies by Bruce Langford of ‘Stand Up Now Productions’