Category Archives: respect in school

School Respect Assemblies in Waterloo Region by Presenter Bruce Langford

Stand Up For Respect was the theme of the day at Waterloo school, N.A. MacEachern Public School (WRDSB).

Students shared their ideas on how the world can be a more respectful place.  One student said, “If only people would just remember to be nice to each other all the time”. Another spoke about the importance of manners. Yet another reminded the audience to be optimistic, and how optimism can help keep people positive.

Students said they liked the song ‘Confidence ‘ and wanted to know if they could download it on itunes. They said they loved the role-plays acted out by their peers.  

Ms. Maedith Radlein, Principal of MacEachern, told us she was very pleased with the assemblies and liked how each assembly was designed for that age group. She liked the discussion format with the grade 7 & 8 students.  “I will definitely be a reference for your Stand Up Now programs,” she told us.

Teacher approved Cyber-bullying Assemblies in Kitchener Ontario

Sandhills Public School Waterloo Region District School BoardJust returned from presenting 3 Cyber-bullying Got 2 Go assemblies at Sandhills Public School in Kitchener Ontario (Waterloo Region District School Board). The students were totally keen to learn how to stay safe in cyber-space. Benny DL asked questions and students got involved with their answers.

Nancy, a Grade 3 Teacher, made the following remark after the assembly: “Your program was just awesome with a very timely message. I loved how you tied our Sandhills Guidelines into your assembly.”

Allison (not her real name) is a grade 3 student who made a special trip back to the gym to tell us: “That was the best assembly we’ve ever had!”
Sandhills Public School Creed

Here is a tip we shared about staying safe on-line. “If someone is mean on-line, don’t even answer the message.”

Remember, if you are having problems with people on-line, it is important to talk to a parent, a teacher or another adult you trust.

The Sandhills Suns believe in living ‘Above the Line’. Living above the line means taking responsibility for your choices, being accountable and being willing to work toward solutions. Living below the line includes quitting, denying, justifying and laying blame.

Weekly Character Education Pays off in Waterloo Region School

Edna Staebler School Sign, Waterloo OntarioStudents at Edna Staebler Public School in Waterloo (Waterloo Region District School Board) believe in the value of Character Education. We visited the school yesterday, and were greeted warmly by the students and staff. Principal, Mr. Jeffery Parliament told us that the students have been receiving weekly character education lessons from a staff member. We could tell.

Edna Staebler Picture at Edna Staebler School

“Treat others how you want to be treated,” was a comment that came from a student early on in one of the assemblies. We talked about empathy, and about doing the right thing even when no one is watching.
“Being honest and caring can help build stronger friendships”, a grade 7 student remarked.
We talked about being careful on-line and making the right choices about on-line activities.
A student role-play made it crystal-clear that a bystander can become a person who can definitely make a difference in a given situation.

Author Edna Staebler with her cats

Mr. Parliament said he felt the assemblies were well done and liked how we changed the assemblies to be appropriate for each division.
“Our character education classes have been some of our most important classes”, a grade 8 girl told me after the intermediate assembly.
I thought about how good it feels to be in a school where character education is taken seriously by students and staff!

Flags in the lobby of Edna Staebler School

The ‘Stand Up For Respect’ Character Ed assemblies by Stand Up Now Productions all feature video, music and student role-play as well as teacher follow-up materials.