Tag Archives: conflict resolution

Talk out your bullying problems using a non-confrontational approach

Talk it out, talk it out, talk it out!

If you are being bullied, don’t keep it all inside you. You can talk it out with the person who is making life tough for you – as long as you do it in a non-confrontational way. Make sure you don’t sound threatening, and don’t display anger or frustration. Just stay cool, and casually talk it out with them.

If you are experiencing bullying on a regular basis, find someone you can talk to; find a trusted friend or adult; find a teacher or councilor. Talk out a situation that is bothering you and it can make all the difference in how quickly you are able to resolve the conflict.

Don’t have anyone to talk to?

Boy talking to dogTalk to yourself or your pet. If you don’t have anyone to talk to, call ‘KidsHelpPhone’ at 1-800-668-6868. You can also jot down your thoughts in a journal. This can really help you work through your problems. Just remember, keeping anger and frustration locked inside can eventually cause problems.

Talk it out in the most safe and confidential way possible.

Stand Up Now Productions –LiveSchoolShows about Bullying & Conflict Resolution with teacher/presenter Bruce Langford.


Kelso’s Choice conflict management skills program for your school

Kelso's Choice Image BullyingWhen we go into schools to do bullying prevention assemblies, I am always happy to see various programs and methods being used to address bullying and to teach conflict resolution. One of the many programs that is effective with children is called ‘Kelso’s Choice’. It is a conflict management skills program which is for elementary school children up to about ten years old. It can increase confidence, reduce tattling and most importantly reduce bullying. Kelso the frog is the central focus and the Kelso’s Choice Wheel with 9 problem-solvingKelsos Wheel solutions is one of the main learning tools. When confronting a “small” problem, students are encouraged to try two choices from “Kelso’s Wheel.” If the “ small” problem persists, they are told that adult intervention is warranted. Visit the Kelso’s Choice website to learn more at www.KelsosChoice.com


Cyber-Bullying Got 2 Go Bullying Prevention Assemblies for Schools at www.standupnow.ca