How to connect with others and grow self-esteem

ImageWe all have a need to belong and feel connected to other people. The people we associate with in our lives are like the links in a chain. Every link is a necessary part of the chain. Most of us feel connected to our families and have good feelings that are associated with family members and relatives. Think of a family member or relative you look up to. What are the reasons you admire that person? Make a list of their qualities that you like the most.

Being part of a club or team can also help people feel connected to others. Think about your interests and then consider whether there might be a group or team you can join where you will be participating in the activity you love. You will be sure to develop connections with some of the people you are sharing your activity with.

Being connected with people will help to reduce the chance that you will be bullied. It will help you build self-esteem and you will be happier over all.

Bruce Langford’s School Programs to teach respect, build confidence & grow self-esteem can be found at