Hi everybody!
I have five proven tips to help teachers encourage respectful behavior in the classroom.
1. Talk about how rules can be important to help maintain a cooperative and respectful classroom environment. Use group discussion time to help children come up with appropriate guidelines for your classroom.
2. Help your children get to know each other with games and fun activities. Children who know each other will be less likely to be mean to each other.
3. Encourage your children to work together cooperatively, rather than constantly competing with each other.
4. Teach and encourage diversity. We are all different, so emphasize that diversity is a positive thing.
5. Be open and willing to listen to your students. Let them know they can talk to you about bullying situations.
Have a community member come in to talk to your students about respect or have your class plan a school assembly on respect. You could also arrange for Stand Up Now Productions to come to your school to present musical assemblies. Visit our website at www.standupnow.ca for more information.