Category Archives: Child Safety

Bullying and The Haiti Earthquake Disaster

Bullying is a huge problem in our country and in many countries. The people of Haiti are suffering desperately because of a natural disaster.
We can help deal with bullying, but we also need to be willing to help people in critical times like this in Haiti. There are many ways to help people in the Haiti earthquake zone. Google has a link on the Google home page.
Save The Children is only one of the many organizations that is working feverishly to help.
We at Stand Up Now are donating part of our proceeds to Save The Children. You can learn what Save The Children is doing by clicking on this link Save The Children

Please do what you can to help minimize bullying and also help those in Haiti.

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Looking for Actors for Bullying Prevention Programs

We are searching for people to play various roles in scenarios which will be produced into videos to be used in bullying prevention programs. Do you know someone who would be interested?
Actors who participate in these videos can really help to make a difference in the life of a bullied child.

Please contact us at

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2 Reasons Why It Is Important To Report Bullying

1. Children who talk to adults about bullying situations are believed to have fewer bullying incidents in the following years.

2. When no one reports bullying or talks about it, the people who do it are free to continue without repercussions.

I believe it is the responsibility of adults to encourage children to report bullying incidents. Children should have different ways to report bullying and it is important for adults to be good listeners and do what is necessary to stop the bullying from continuing.

5 Reasons Why The World’s Tallest Building is Like the Fight Against Bullying

1. It was an enormous project.
2. Many people had different opinions about how to do it.
3. It cost huge resources both financially and otherwise.
4. People around the world are now inspired by such an amazing feat.
5. One of the biggest challenges in designing the world’s tallest building was dealing with the external forces on the building, just as winning the fight against bullying requires minimizing the level of resistance in today’s society.

Q: Why would we compare the World’s Tallest Building to the Fight Against Bullying?
A: To demonstrate how the ideas and perseverance of a single individual or small group can make almost anything possible!

Tip: Don’t be afraid to set massive goals, ask for the help of others and use your persistence muscle to work toward achieving your goals.

Learn more about how to reduce bullying by going to

3 New Years Resolutions To Help Reduce Bullying in Your Child’s Life

Here is a way to help your child(ren) be happier in the New Year.


As a parent, include one or all of the following in your New Years Resolution:

1. Ask everyday what is going on in your child’s life and then be a good listener.

2. Give more compliments than criticisms – In fact, make the ratio at least 3 to 1.

3. Reward your child at least once a day for a positive thing you noticed.


Resolve to stick to the above New Years Resolution Suggestions for 21 days. After that, studies show you will be in the habit of doing them and they will become automatic.


Q: Why Will These Powerful New Years Resolutions Reduce Bullying?

A: Your connection with your children will increase in positive ways you never imagined possible. Your children will become more confident and willingly share problem situations with you so you can talk them out before they turn into bullying situations!


Tip: Vow to keep your New Years Resolutions by placing an elastic band on your wrist as a reminder.

Happy New Year to you and your children!


Learn more about how to reduce bullying by going to