Filtering Software can stop cyber-bullying before it starts

kidsonComputer1Did you know there is software available that can actually help prevent bullying situations from happening? It’s your choice whether you would want to choose to use this method to be proactive against the possibility of bullying situations occurring.

Hopefully you trust your children and have built an excellent healthy relationship. You probably do not see the need to look in on them when they are not aware you are watching. That would be spying. I believe it is important to build a solid relationship so you will have confidence in your kids’ choice of activities.

At the same time, it important to supervise children and make sure you know what they actually doing at any given time. As adults, we are responsible for our children. We must realize that kids are curious and always learning new things. The Internet contains constant surprises including social media platforms that are frequently changing. Social media is an area where parents need to be to be constantly aware of their children’s activities.

Filtering and monitoring software can help parents and schools make sure that kids are going to safe websites. Some of this software can also keep you informed of what your kids are doing online.

Some examples are:




McAfee Safe Eyes

PureSight PC



Profil Parental

Filter 2


Learn what is available to help you. Search some of the above tools on your Internet browser and make an informed decision as to whether a product like this would be right for you. Consider all the angles before you make your decision.

Bruce Langford is an anti-bullying advocate located in Ontario, Canada