Bullying can be prevented with Child-safe uploads – here’s how

video uploadsDo you know what your children are uploading to the Internet? How many videos do you think your child loads in a day, in a week, in a month?

Even 10 second videos can tell a story or send a message that could be 100% positive or, on the other side of the coin not so positive. The same can be said for static images. Maybe your child just uploads a picture once in a while? Or could it be that hundreds of images are being posted every week by your children?

Studies show that many cyber-bullying incidents stem from a picture or video which has been uploaded to the Internet. Some parents feel they can control their children’s Internet usage by deciding when to make WiFi available at home. Of course the fact is that most children have many opportunities to connect to the Internet throughout the day.

SnapChat and Vine Videos are popular with kids these days. These online tools can be totally safe and just provide a fun outlet for your children. Like most modern innovations, they could also end up being a problem. When used correctly of course, SnapChat and Vine Videos can be perfectly safe.

The best advice is to make sure you know what your children are actually doing online. Keep the computer in a central place in your home so that everyone knows what is going on. Children should not have the Internet available in the privacy of their bedrooms or an unused corner of the family room where no one goes.

Police presentations on the topic of cyber-bullying are quick to point out the importance of making sure children access the Internet in places where they can be seen. Stay on top of your children’s activities. Set parameters and safe guidelines for your family. Make them aware that you’re setting rules which will ultimately protect them.

It should be clear to young children that parent approval is required before uploading pictures or videos. This rule will go a long way toward making the Internet a safe place for children.

Bruce Langford presents assemblies and keynote addresses on the topics of bullying, cyber-bullying and respect.
