Tag Archives: bullyingguy

Waterloo Region District School Board Bullying Prevention

Abraham Erb Public School in Waterloo welcomed Bruce Langford today as a guest speaker and presenter on the subject of respect. Respect is part of Abraham Erb’s Code of Behaviour. Their code of behavior is simple, yet effective. It consists of three concise ideas:



Mrs. Martha Knowlton, the Principal of Abraham Erb School (Waterloo Region District School Board), was thrilled with the ‘Stand Up For Respect’ assemblies by Bruce Langford and Stand Up Now Productions. We were impressed with the respectful behaviour of the students.
We’ve included some photos we want to share with you from Abraham Erb Public School.

Contact us to arrange assemblies for your school: 800-901-8831 or info@standupnow.ca

Stand Up Now Back to School Bullying Prevention

Ottawa Bullying Prevention

Ottawa Stand Up Against Bullying Tour

Welcome back to school everyone! May the 2010-2011 school year be as bully free as possible! We wish you all well as you start back for a new year of learning and dealing with social situations. Stand Up Now is booked solid with bullying prevention programs across the region.
Our Stand Up Now Ottawa tour is planned for October 2010. We will visit schools in Ottawa including St. James Catholic School in Kanata, Guardian Angels Catholic School in Stittsville and St. Anne Catholic School in Kanata. Windsor School visits will include General Brock and Dougall Avenue Public School. Toronto, London, Burlington and Waterloo are only a few of our bullying prevention destinations.
The Stand Up Against Bullying Guy is ready to head off to your school with songs, videos and multimedia to wow the crowds.
Contact us to book assemblies for your school. 1-800-901-8831
Email us at  info@standupnow.ca

Songs can help children deal with bullying

Music can help us learn & remember

Why do we use songs and music in our bullying-prevention programs? Songs can provide a hook so that children remember the messages. We have all used songs to help us remember facts and details like the alphabet, planets, number of days in a month and so on. Repeated phrases in songs really get the point across and help children remember the message. One example is our Passwords song. “Passwords, passwords, keep ‘em to yourself, tell no one else.”   When we visit schools a second or third time, students often come into assemblies singing “Passwords”, or “Stand Up” or “Confidence”.  We have another song which is a good example of learning through music. It is called “Be Kind Online”. I’ve posted a video below featuring this song. It is in the style of boogie woogie.
In my opinion, children can learn to deal with bullying by remembering the songs in our programs and singing them over. This will trigger memories of other details from our presentations such as videos, stories and role plays.
To book assemblies for your school, call us at 1-800-901-8831 or email us at info@standupnow.ca.
Visit our website at https://standupnow.ca/

7 Respect Tips for Students and Teachers

Respectful umbrellas

Umbrellas can shield the sun or the rain ... we can learn to shield ourselves and others from bullying.

As many students (and school staff members too) head off in different directions for the summer months, remember to still practice the tips about respect that we’ve been talking about all year. You’ll get along better with friends, with family and with colleagues at work or during fun times.

1. Be polite.
2. Put others 1st
3. Include others
4. Share when you can
5. Use respectful language
6. Be more kind than you have to
7. If you respect others, they will often respect you!

Have a great summer!

Six Top Tips for School Trips from Bruce Langford, The Stand Up Against Bullying Guy


Mapleview Heights School, Barrie

Mapleview Heights School, Barrie Ontario

  1. Listen closely to the instructions of your group leader.
  2. Stay with your group and do what you are expected to do.
  3. Include others in your activities when possible.
  4. Be friendly to travelers you meet.
  5. If the trip is an overnighter, stay in your designated room as directed.
  6. Remember, you are representing your school. Always act in a way that would make your school proud.

We just visited Mapleview Heights Public School in Barrie where we presented ‘Stand Up Against Bullying’, ‘Stand Up For Respect’ and ‘Cyberbullying – Got 2 Go’. Our assemblies received excellent evaluations from all the students and staff we spoke to. “The role-plays were extremely effective in getting the messages across and the music and videos were captivating.”

To book ‘Stand Up Now’ assemblies for your school, contact our office at 1-800-901-8831 or e-mail us at info@standupnow.ca

Tips about Put-downs in Respect Character Ed Assemblies

Awesome Mural at Derrydown School in Toronto

Awesome Mural at Derrydown School

Remember to not be involved in put-downs. To do this, try not to use mean language, swearing or name-calling.  Don’t even get involved in put-downs that are started by other people. Do try to include other people in activities and conversations and be friendly and respectful. I believe that if you make up your mind to avoid put-downs, you will earn respect.

We included these tips about put-downs in ‘Stand Up For Respect’ assemblies at Derrydown Public School in the Toronto District School Board. Students and staff were very upbeat about the assemblies and we received these comments afterwards:
Bruce Langford’s presentations have the wow factor. You really captured our students at Derrydown!
Al Copeti (Teacher)

The kids just loved Bruce Langford’s ‘Stand Up For Respect’ presentations and so did the teachers. Really engaging. I hope you come back soon.
Dorothy Pienkow (Teacher), Derrydown School, Toronto
Alla Ostrovsky, (Teaching Assistant) Derrydown School 

We would be pleased to present character education assemblies at your school. Contact Bruce Langford at Stand Up Now Productions at 1-800-901-8831 or www.standupnow.ca

Soccer World Cup 2010, Racial Abuse and Respect

The Soccer World Cup in South Africa will be an exciting sporting event and Samuel Eto’o is one of the players to watch. He has scored over 100 goals in five seasons with FC Barcelona. As a member of the Cameroon national team, he was a part of the squad that won the 2000 Olympic tournament. He is a Cameroonian who plays as a striker for Italian Serie A club Internazionale.
Eto’o has experienced racial abuse while playing soccer. He has been the subject of racist taunts by people in the stands when he is in possession of the ball. It is unacceptable that racial prejudice continues to be present in our world. Take a stand. Make the decision that you will have the integrity to stand up against prejudice of any kind against any group of people!

We talked about World Cup Soccer and Respect at Valley Park Middle School in Toronto yesterday. Vice-Principal, Sandra Larosa was ‘totally thrilled with Bruce Langford’s assemblies’ and said ‘our middle school kids really connected with the message!’

 Remember to ‘Stand Up For Respect’ in your world and with your friends. We will be happy to present musical assemblies about respect at your school. Call Bruce Langford at 1-800-901-8831 or email at info@standupnow.ca.

How Do I Teach My Kids Consideration?

How do my actions affect others?
How do I learn to think before I speak?
How do I make the right choices?

These are questions that your children may be asking themselves more often than you think.
The answer is to remember to show consideration to others. Try to practice empathy. Try to imagine what the other person is feeling. Just remember that these are skills we can practice every day. We all teach children to build character by our own example.

We have taught these character ed concepts through music, videos and role-plays at hundreds of elementary school presentations across Ontario. We will present bullying prevention programs at your school. Contact Stand Up Now Productions at 1-800-901-8831 or email Bruce Langford at bruce@standupnow.ca

Middle School Assemblies (Ontario) About Bullying & Bystanders

Middle School Bullying Prevention Presentation

Middle School Bullying Prevention Presentation

Bystanders can make a big difference if they decide to do something to stop the meanness. Our anti-bullying school assemblies for intermediate students using videos, role-plays and music will teach your kids how the bystander can make a positive difference. Students tell us they relate to the bullying scenarios in the role-plays we teach. In the video below, a kid gets bullied as he walks down the stairs, but wait … is there a twist? See what someone decides to do. See how one person can make a difference in a matter of seconds. This shows how bystanders can become winners.
Book school assemblies with Stand Up Now Productions telephone number 1-800-901-8831  or email info@standupnow.ca

Character Education Programs in Ontario (Brampton) by Stand Up Now Productions

The PAWS Wall at Copeland Public School

Copeland School PAWS Wall

Character Education Assemblies about Respect were presented by DJ Benny DL of ATFM Radio. Bruce Langford was the DJ and the set for ATFM Radio was in the gym as the students cheered him on.

The Character Education Formula at Copeland Public School is tied in with their Coyote mascot. The message is “Follow The “P.A.W.S.” – Print to Success.” Here is what the PAWS acronym stands for:

P:  Positive Attitude
A: Act Responsibly and Respectfully
W: W.I.T.S. (See Below)
S: Self Belief

W: Walk Away
I: Ignore
T: Talk
S: Seek Help

After the Stand Up For Respect Assemblies, Principal Lynn Dirks said “I really liked the way you tied the show into our Character Education focus here at Copeland. I liked the way you brought music into it.”
One of the grade 5 students said “It really taught us to show respect, not bully. And you had really cool songs!”
Find more information about booking assemblies for your school at www.standupagainstbullying.com