Education Week at Madoc Drive Public School was celebrated today with bullying prevention assemblies by Bruce Langford of ‘Stand Up Now Productions’.
The students were filled with enthusiasm as DJ, Benny DL went live on ATFM Radio. He talked about 5 Key Strategies to Stop Bullying Behaviours.
- Ignore the Bullying Behaviour (sometimes the person is just trying to get attention)
- Say ‘Please Leave Me Alone’ (Say it in a confident way, but only once)
- Tell a Parent, Teacher or other Trusted Adult
- Get Friends to Help You
- Show your Confidence
Madoc students acted out real-life scenarios and participated in songs. A student came up afterwards commenting about the ‘great music and awesome video’. Madoc Principal, Mr. Tim Peterson makes sure students set exellent examples to inspire others.
Education week is a great time to focus on bullying prevention. Just remember the 5 Key Strategies to Stop Bullying Behaviours.