Tag Archives: Violence and Abuse

Take a stand , make a change – stop the culture of bullying

Caribbean Island Sunset

Virgin Islands Sunset

Here is a bullying acronym – Ways to turn bullying around:
Beautiful person that has a
Unique personality and can be a
Loyal friend also
Loving & caring so
Youth stand up for your rights and
Individuals take a stand
Never give up on yourself and
Grow your confidence.

Never give up – keep on being strong.
Stand Up Against Bullying!
This acronym was created by students at the United States Virgin Islands Youth Summit 2012 under the leadership of Bruce Langford www.brucelangford.ca


All Saints Cathedral School welcomes Canadian anti-bullying advocate Bruce Langford

All Saints Cathedral School U.S. Virgin IslandsAll Saints Cathedral School, located in St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands has a history of excellence dating back over eight decades. Their tradition of setting high standards was obvious during our visit to present bullying prevention assemblies on Tuesday.
All Saints students contributed to the interactive assemblies with thoughtful comments relating to the topic of respect and safe schools. The spiritual and moral values of the students shone through during the visit.
One of the high points was when an obviously dedicated and passionate teacher shared a packet with us she had created with her students called ‘Stop the Violence and Increase the Peace’. Packed with tips, advice, puzzles, articles and ideas about safe schools and preventing bullying, the resource is obviously the outcome of much hard work.

These Five Startling Bullying Facts are taken from the packet:
1/ 15% of all school absenteeism is directly related to fears of being bullied at school
2/ 71% of students report incidence of bullying as a problem at their school
3/ 282,000 students are physically attacked in secondary schools each month
4/ 90% of 4th through 8th graders report being victims of bullying
5/ 87% of students said shootings are motivated by a desire to “get back at those who have hurt them”

Following our presentations, All Saints principal, Ms. Barry left us with the following comment:
“Your presentations endorsed the same concepts we try to teach here at All Saints Cathedral School including the quality of respect, accepting the consequences of your actions, and acknowledging you are wrong.”
Mrs. Barry, Principal, All Saints Cathedral School, U.S. Virgin Islands

Bruce Langford, speaker & presenter of school programs to encourage respect and end bullying

Determination, self-confidence and courage can stamp out bullying in U.S. Virgin Islands

Use determination and courage to stamp out bullying. Confidence and willpower can be strong forces when dealing with cruelty and the students here in the U.S. Virgin Islands know how to use their confidence to their advantage. It is important to be strong and stand up against meanness. Students must be willing to lead by example and show others they won’t put up with bullying. It is imperative for teachers to be on-board and to be willing to take a stand against bullying as well. We can all make a difference by using our inner strength and self-confidence to our advantage. Always keep your safety in the forefront of your mind. Your safety should be your first concern.
U.S. Virgin Islands Private School BullyingThe students at Prophecy Academy in the United States Virgin Islands understand that their level of confidence can have a direct impact on the amount of bullying that takes place. We must all be strong and willing to help each other in our universal community. Just watch the video below, and you will see strong minded, confident youth who believe in themselves and are empowered by God to make a difference.
Just remember; Stand Up Against Bullying and take a stand!

School workshops, seminars and keynote talks by Bruce Langford, the Stand Up Against Bullying Guy www.standupagainstbullying.com

Anti-Bullying Pledge created by Fifth & Sixth Graders at Youth Summit US Virgin Islands 2012

I pledge to stop bullying and not be a bystander.
I will lend a helping hand to others to help keep our communities safe.

Pledge against bullying Virgin Islands K-6 Grade

Public Schools Pledge to stop bullying U.S. Virgin Islands K-6

Today we went to the U.S. Virgin Islands Youth Summet at SugarBay Resort and Spa. There were about 300 5th and 6th graders. We are all from the U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education Schools.

We watched BennyDL go live on ATFM radio broadcasting directly from SugarBay Resort. He talked to callers, sang songs and talked about bullying prevention. BennyDL is a DJ but his real name is Bruce Langford.

Later we watched videos & talked about the issues related to bullying.
We got into groups with students from other schools. Some of us made up poems and songs about bullying and what to do. Some of us made up role-plays and skits about bullying. Some groups presented to everyone.

We put our ideas together into one pledge we believed in. The pledge we came up with is simple:
I pledge to stop bullying and not be a bystander.
I will lend a helping hand to others to help keep our communities safe.

Here is some of our work:
Bullies are Bad
Bullies are bad,
They make people mad
Bullies are mean
They make my hair green
They never are seen
Since these are a team
Bullies are bad!!!
9 people walking end bullying

Bruce Langford – Programs to deal with bullying www.StandUpAgainstBullying.com





Youth Summit 2012 U.S. Virgin Islands Stand Up Against Bullying

U.S. Virgin Islands Vow To Abolish BullyingThe U.S. Virgin Islands Anti-bullying Vow
We solemnly vow to abolish bullying!
We hereby declare we will use our courage and strength to not be a bystander,
but instead be a leader, take action and to take a stand.

Be determined to reach your goals,
Have confidence, strength, belief
Power and stand up for your rights
Self-esteem might cause you to break
But you can always talk it out with a friend
Be strong, have courage and fight for your rights …
Cyber-bullying is not the way to go!!

To come against bullying
We need power, determination and confidence
It affects you, it affects me and even society
It lead to destruction and something we can’t run from

Determine to stand up for what is right … no matter the fight (bullying, verbal abuse)
We have the courage and the power to choose and decide the right reaction to a negative action.
No matter the content of your insults,We have the confidence to determine the results.
No matter the argument or the fight,
Once it’s against bullying, it’s always right.

What you have read above are samples of the work of seventh to twelfth graders; students in the United States Virgin Islands Department of Education Schools at their Stand Up Against Bullying Youth Summit, 2012 with presenter, Bruce Langford.

We created the island declaration against bullying seen at the top of the page.
Bravo students!!!! You should be proud.

Bruce Langford is currently in the U.S. Virgin Islands doing school presentations on the topic of bullying at the Stand Up Against Bullying Youth Summit 2012.
Visit his website at www.standupagainstbullying.com

Advice: Grow self-confidence and learn how to avoid bullying

confidence pictureBullying can often be prevented by having a well developed level of self-confidence. In fact, studies have led people to believe that confidence is the single most important quality to help you avoid being bullied. However, there is a fine line between self-confidence and arrogance. People who are arrogant and cocky tend to be that way in one area of their lives and when they move into a different environment, they no longer have the ability to appear confident. Doubt yourself for a second, and people will be able to pick up on that momentary self-doubt.
Make up your mind to learn as much as you can about self-confidence and how to achieve it. You will learn that self-confidence comes from many sources such as personal experience, background and your ability to control your thought processes.
Let us know what you have learned about self-confidence. Share a comment and we’ll all learn a little more about this incredibly important topic.

We share tips about confidence in our ‘Stand Up For Respect’ assemblies designed specifically for school audiences. www.StandUpForRespect.com